What is Disney Magic? Do You Believe?
Re-post! Disney Magic. We’ve all heard of it, and probably have used the term a time or two personally. For those of us who love Disney, we get it. For…
Re-post! Disney Magic. We’ve all heard of it, and probably have used the term a time or two personally. For those of us who love Disney, we get it. For…
Hey there Main Streeters! Happy Wednesday to you! It’s time for our weekly check in, and boy am I tired tonight. Usually I write this update in advance, sometimes Tuesday…
It’s Wednesday Main Streeters! Time for our weekly check in with Adventures in Florida Living! The school year is winding down, and it’s birthday time for the boys in my…
It’s no secret I love to shop. Some people like to do other activities in their free time like play golf, go dancing (which I also love), see a movie,…
This week, I had my blog all planned out in my head. I wanted to tell you about what we’ve been up to like usual, but then something unexpected happened…
Happy Wednesday my Main Street Ohana! I hope you’re all doing well this evening and are ready to catch up for the week. Things have been pretty quiet here, but…
As a self admitted shopaholic and fashionista for all things Disney, today was my day. Today, the Town Center area at Disney Springs finally opened…. and it was fabulous. Dangerously…
*Re-post It’s Thursday, and if you’re a regular reader, then you know each week we talk about acts of kindness or we talk about a magical experience at Disney. Cast…