TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ Back to Business
Well hello there, and Happy Wednesday! Whew, it’s been quite a whirlwind of events down here in Central Florida. The weather has finally gotten better after Hurricane Irma, the kids…
Well hello there, and Happy Wednesday! Whew, it’s been quite a whirlwind of events down here in Central Florida. The weather has finally gotten better after Hurricane Irma, the kids…
Happy Wednesday everyone. It’s been a wild ride here in Florida this past week. Hurricane Irma blew through the entire state of Florida, and caused quite a mess. Lets talk…
Happy Wednesday Main Streeters! It’s Wednesday and time for our weekly update! So, what’s been going on here in Central Florida… hmm? So much, too much! Let’s get chatting! Last…
Hey everyone! Boo to You! Ok, well, maybe it’s too early to say that, but this Friday, I’ll have that song in my head for sure, as we’re headed to…
Happy Wednesday! Welcome to another edition of Adventures in Florida Living! Things are moving along here in Central Florida. The kids are settling in at school, Disney is preparing for…
Here’s an article I wrote awhile back, when we were still in Michigan! I think a lot of people will relate to the sentiments! Enjoy!! ~M Hurry up and wait………
Happy Wednesday Main Streeters! I hope this evening, you’re doing well and are ready to chat! It’s been a hot, humid, rainy week here in Central Florida. School is back…
This week as some of you know, the internet blew up over some new mouse ears that arrived at Disney Parks. The coveted “rose gold” sparkly ears….. ah yes. Once…