Disney Store and Imagicademy Team Up For In Store Fun

120414_01_DisneyImagicademy_article_Iris Back in December we introduced you to Disney’s new educational app series Imagicademy. “Disney Imagicademy is a new technology-driven learning initiative designed for families with children 3 to 8 to encourage children to learn by creating, doing and making.” Imagicademy released “Mickey’s Magical Math World” and “Disney Imagicademy Parents”  in December  2014 on Apple iOS. The newest app “Mickey’s Magical Arts World” which is five experiences in one app and p”provides children with fundamental tools grounded in a wide-ranging creative arts curriculum” was released in this February.

One of the special things Imagicademy mentions on their website is that they will occasionally send Imagicademy users invites to their local Disney Store to participate in free in-store events that will allow families to “explore creative arts, stories, hands-on demonstrations, and much more!” Today I learned in talking to my local store that Imagicademy is also slowly becoming a part of each store’s “Daily Events”. Many of you are more familiar with the themed Summer events at the Disney Store, like last years “Summer Play Days” series where participants received a special gift each day. What many don’t realize is these daily special in-store events (without the special gift) are held every day at Disney Stores. What these events are and the times they are held at  vary by store location so you will want to check with your local store. But today TMSM learned that the “Art of Animation” event is being phased out and replaced by the new “Art of Imagicademy” event. This new event is more small child friendly and family oriented, but has not reached all the Disney Store locations yet.

Keep an eye on TMSM as we get closer to the summer and the Disney Store’s official summer event announcement to make sure you don’t miss out on any Disney Store summer fun!
disney-4 For additional Disney Imagicademy mobile apps updates and information, visit https://www.DisneyImagicademy.com

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