The Ultimate Guide to Wishmaking

December 18, 2014 ,

I saw this on the Oh My Disney blog and I love how they take movie images and turn them into lessons on things, like Wishes

We at Oh My Disney thoroughly believe in the power of setting your sights on a goal, following your hopes and dreams, and remembering that good things come to those who wish upon a star. If being the devout Disney fans we are has taught us anything, it’s that a wish is a powerful thing, especially when it comes from the heart. Proficient wishmaking is critical in order to garner an optimal result—problem is, most people just don’t know the importance of efficiency and procedure when making a wish! With our easy “Ultimate Guide to Wishmaking,” you too can make your dreams come true in just six simple steps:

Step One: The Acquisition of a Wishing Star


First, you need to get yourself a wishing star. We recommend a bright and sparkly one. Our advice is to simply look up at the sky in a northerly direction, approximately 434 light years away. For our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, you’re going to want to shift a litttttleeee bit closer to the equator. If that’s not feasible (and trust us, we understand) then any shooting star or bright celestial object will do. Heck, we’re not even above finding a wishing well.

Step One A: Dandelions are a Good Star Substitute


Step One B: And Ocean Rocks



Step One C: And Genies


Step Two: Introspection and Reflection


Next, you need to spend some time meditating. Think really hard about your hopes and dreams. You only get one chance to make a wish so it better be well worth it. Really ponder your very existence. Envision your future. Erase all doubt. This is a blue sky brainstorm here. Nothing is off limits.

Step Three: The Lead-Up


Here’s the part where things get serious. First, you’re going to need all of your concentration, so turn off your TV and music, put that cell phone on airplane mode, and don’t you even think about snapping this. You’re going to need to get comfortable, so if you’ve been saving a pair of pajamas for an extra cozy night, now is the time to pull them out.

Step Four: Positioning


Situate yourself so that you are facing the sky (or wishing well, or what have you), and tilt your gaze approximately. Furrow your brow if you must, just ensure that your eyes have locked onto that gloriously bright star.



Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. This is the moment we’ve been frantically preparing for over the last four paragraphs! Fold your hands if you must, visualize your hopes and dreams, and wish upon that star with all you’ve got! Keep your concentration and don’t even think about letting up—you’ve come so far!

Step Six: Take Action


Now that you have a vision, it’s time to do something about it! Goals are nothing without action. Get out there and seize the day—you’re almost there!

As Jiminy Crickett so eloquently put it, “When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.” So now we ask you, dearest readers, what will you do today to make your dreams a reality?

One thought on “The Ultimate Guide to Wishmaking”
  1. I realize my dreams and wishes are so far off, that I’ve given enough time and thought to prayers that never were answered to know what I must do today. I must go out and seize the day with what I have and make of it what I can to achieve what I want. And when the day is done, if I have done all I could towards what I want and have not yet achieved it then the universe has come to stand that this day is not the day for these things to come to pass. And so tomorrow will begin another day of doing what must be done to achieve what I wish and dream of. But should I today complete those task that bring my Dreams and Wishes to life then tomorrow shall begin a new Dream, a new Wish to do with what I now have and more.
    Yes my Dreams and Wishes never will end they shall only grow for the ground they are planted in is rich in Magic, faith, belief and most important of these is belief. The belief that if I do not give up then all things shall come to be as they are meant to be.

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