Monsters Inc Inspired Nails!

June 9, 2014


Here’s a cute nail tutorial for fans of Monsters Inc and Monsters University! Thanks to Disney’s Spoonful for the idea and instructions!

What you’ll need

Light Turquoise Nail Polish
Purple Nail Polish
Clear Nail Polish
Light Turquoise Flocking (This can be found in the scrapbooking section of your local craft store)
Purple Flocking (This can be found in the scrapbooking section of your local craft store)

How to make it

Step 1
Start with a light turquoise nail. Don’t worry about full coverage from the nail polish because we are just going to cover it up with fur.

Step 2
When your nail is TOTALLY dry, dab two or three wonky purple circles onto the nail. These shouldn’t be perfect, and you can just use the end of the brush that comes in the nail polish bottle.

Step 3
When you’ve dabbed your circles onto your nail, they should look like this. You want to make sure there’s enough polish for the flocking to stick to the nail.


Step 4
Take the purple flocking and sprinkle it on the top of your nail. (Basically it’s just like if you were sprinkling glitter onto glue in a kid’s art project.)

Step 5
Tap your hand to get the excess flocking off, and after you’ve let it dry a few seconds, blow on it so you don’t have flocking all over your hand.


Step 6
When you’ve gotten most of the excess purple flocking off, your nail should look like this.

You can stop your nail design here and you will still have awesome Monsters, Inc. nails, but I went ahead and flocked the rest of the nail as well.

Step 6_4

Step 7
With a clear nail polish, go in and paint all the blue that’s exposed on the nail. Pay careful attention and don’t get the purple part wet again, or your design will get messed up.

Step 8
Now, sprinkle the light blue flocking onto the nail.

Step 9
Tap and blow on your finger to remove the excess flocking.

Step 10
Now you have the coolest Sulley inspired Monsters University nail design around!


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