Happy Thursday and Welcome Back Main Streeters. Have you ever wondered where the inspiration for Main Street U.S.A. came from? I had always thought it came from Walt’s beautiful imagination, but this week I learned something new and boy do I have a very special blog to share with you as I am writing this on Mountain Time direct from Colorado.

Why am I in Colorado? Well, my husband (Chef Charming) planned this surprise trip, but as any good Disney obsessed human does, I was able to find a way to tie our time here in with some subtle Disney connections. You may be wondering “how so?”; well, today I literally walked in Walt’s footsteps, if even for a brief moment.

Main Street U.S.A. has the quaint town feel, the old architecture, and the nostalgia of time far gone. Imagine my surprise when I researched things to do in Colorado and I found a connection to Walt. Today, I found his inspiration for Main Street U.S.A. in Fort Collins, Colorado.

To be fair, Main Street is based on two separate places, the other being Marceline, Missouri. However, in Fort Collins I got the privilege to tour two original buildings that mirror some of the architecture that you would immediately recognize as you stroll down Main Street U.S.A.; the emporium and the iconic firehouse.

Firehouse that is now a Bookstore
The building that inspired The Emporium on Main Street U.S.A.

So if you ever find yourself in Colorado, you too can walk in Walt’s footsteps. Fort Collins has a tourism office that is proud to provide visitors with information on Walt’s whereabouts and how he drew inspiration from the small town to create what we know today as the warm and friendly streets that greet us upon entering Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

Until Next Week!

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The Main Street Mouse