The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Director Talks Sam Picking Up the Shield

Marvel fans everywhere have been eagerly waiting to see the outcome of Sam Wilson–whether or not he would finally take on the role as Captain America in the Disney+ series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.” Well, if you’ve been keeping up with the series, it seems this moment has finally arrived and the series director shared what it means for Sam to finally take the iconic shield given the mantle’s complicated legacy.

In a recent interview with EW, director Kari Skogland shared:

“We wanted Sam to engage in both a public and private conversation of what it means for a Black man to pick up such an iconic historically white symbol…By starting off with his acknowledgement of how important it is as a symbol, and that it is connected to a bygone era, Sam opens the door to the idea that what defines a hero today is not the same ideal as it was when Steve first picked up the shield.”

“It is important that we explore all sides to its future as a symbol, given it represents the American flag and the deep history that comes with something that represents equality and freedom,” the director continued. “It needs to be an ongoing discussion because those very coveted ideas that are the core to the American Dream are actually fragile and need to be protected from those that go down a slippery slope, no matter how well intentioned, that actually puts freedom and equality in the crosshairs.”

Skogland continued by discussing the fact that the major goal of the series was to modernize the origins of a hero and to show audiences who Sam actually is underneath his hero persona.

“I wanted the show to explore the redefinition of a hero who has traditionally been seen as a warrior/soldier to being a first responder and front line worker,” Skogland explained. “To see a hero who has a strong moral fiber and yet is not rigid so is able to conciliate, include and discuss with the opposition with an eye to solving global issues because they are ultimately interconnected to our universal quality of life.”

Are you looking forward to seeing Sam take on the mantle of Captain America in the finale? Let us know in the comments! 

Sean Sposato

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