Disney World Is Officially Booked to Capacity for Spring Break 2021

As most Disney Parks fans know, Spring Break is always a busy time for the Walt Disney World theme parks and it seems 2021 is no exception. Looking at the Walt Disney World Theme Park Reservation Availability calendar, it seems there is no park availability for any of the four during next week’s spring break.

As seen below in a screenshot of the calendar from the Walt Disney World website, March 15 – 19 has “No Parks Available.” However, that week’s Saturday and Sunday (March 20 and 21) still have availability–this is in addition to the entire following week and weekend. Although, it’s worth noting that only some parks are available during these times.

For those who haven’t visited the Walt Disney World theme parks since the resort’s reopening mid-last year, guests can only visit the four theme parks by booking a reservation through the Walt Disney World’s website prior to stepping foot on property. This process was created in an effort to limit visitation to promote social distancing within the parks. Currently, the Walt Disney World theme parks are operating at only 35% capacity.

As we’ve recently shared, Walt Disney World currently has available dates listed on this reservation system through 2023. It’s worth noting that the company has not commented on the length of the reservation system.

The Walt Disney Company’s CEO, Bob Chapek, recently commented on the park’s social distancing measures, which he expects will last through the rest of 2021.

“We have no doubt that when we reopened up parks that were closed or increased the capacity that we will have some level of social distancing and mask-wearing for the remainder of the year, that is our expectation,” said Chapek on a call earlier this year.

What are your thoughts on the Walt Disney World theme parks being completely booked for the week of Spring Break? Let us know in the comments!

Sean Sposato

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