Exciting changes to D23 Membership plans

December 1, 2020 , , , ,

Here is a letter that was sent out today, to all D23 members, about exciting changes for the next year from Michael Vargo, Head of D23:

First, I personally want to thank you for being a D23 Member. While this past year has brought unpredictability and change, one continued source of optimism is our shared loved of Disney—from the worlds of Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel and beyond. We are incredibly grateful that you are a part of the magic.

At D23, we are always looking for new ways to bring additional value to our most passionate fans, and I am excited to announce that in 2021, we are introducing a new structure to our membership plans that will allow you to share the amazing benefits of D23 Gold Membership directly with a friend or family member.

Starting on January 1, 2021, the new D23 Gold Membership Duo Plan will provide the benefits of a D23 Gold Membership with the opportunity to add a second D23 Gold Member (called an “affiliate” member) all for the same price as a D23 Gold Family Membership. That means Gold Members on the Duo Plan will receive two D23 Gold Memberships including two personalized certificates, two member cards, and access for each D23 Gold Member to participate in a variety of D23-exclusive experiences, including shopping opportunities and Gold Member events*. The Gold Membership Duo Plan also includes one annual Gold Member Collector Set and one annual subscription (four issues) to the Disney twenty-three publication, each sent to the primary member on the account.

The best news? You won’t have to wait until your renewal date to take advantage of this new membership plan. Starting in January 2021, current D23 Gold Family Members will have the opportunity to transition at no additional cost to the D23 Gold Membership Duo Plan through the remainder of their current Gold Family Membership term, and will automatically** renew to the Gold Duo Plan annually thereafter. Current D23 Gold Members also can upgrade for a fee to the Gold Duo Plan starting in January 2021.

Learn more and explore frequently asked questions below.

From all of us at D23, thank you for being a D23 Gold Member, and we wish you the best this holiday season.


Michael Vargo signature
Michael Vargo
Head of D23: The Official Disney Fan Club

* D23 Gold Family Members who transition to D23 Gold Duo and current Gold Members who upgrade to Gold Duo will not receive a physical card or certificate for the affiliate member until they renew in 2021.
** Automatic annual renewal applies to U.S. residents only.


Will I still be able to purchase or renew a D23 Gold Family Membership?

Gold Family Memberships can be purchased or renewed through December 31, 2020. As of January 1, 2021, Gold Family Memberships will no longer be available for purchase or renewal, but existing Gold Family Memberships will be honored through the expiration of each member’s annual term.

How do I transition my D23 Gold Family Membership to the D23 Gold Duo Plan?

In early January 2021, an email will be sent to all existing D23 Gold Family Members with instructions on how to transition to the D23 Gold Duo plan. Note: D23 Gold Famifiliate member until they renew in 2021. Affiliate D23 Gold Members will receive an email with their member number and benefits upon registration.ly Members who transition to D23 Gold Duo and current Gold Members who upgrade to Gold Duo will not receive a physical card or certificate for the affiliate member until they renew in 2021. Affiliate D23 Gold Members will receive an email with their member number and benefits upon registration.

For the Gold Duo Plan, what is the difference between primary and affiliate members?

The initial subscriber and purchaser of the Gold Duo plan will be designated as the primary member, and the additional secondary membership will be designated as the affiliate member. The primary member is responsible for the annual membership payment and receives the Gold Member Collector Set and four quarterly publications. The primary member determines the identity of the affiliate member and is responsible for providing the affiliate member with his or her D23 Gold Membership information to activate the membership. The affiliate’s D23 Gold Membership will terminate at the end of the annual Gold Duo Plan term, and the primary member will be responsible for either renewing or changing the identity of the affiliate member in connection with each renewal of the annual membership.

Gold Family Membership allowed me to bring guests to select D23 events. Will the new Gold Duo plan allow me to bring guests?

While we will continue to bring you events virtually, upon the return of in-person events, bothD23 Gold Duo Plan members will be able to attend separately (or together) and each can bring guest(s) to select D23 events to join in the fun!

I am an affiliate member on a Gold Duo Plan. Can I purchase a second Gold Member Collector Set or the Disney twenty-three publication?

The Gold Member Collector Set and Disney twenty-three publication cannot be purchased separately.

I am a D23 Gold Charter Member. Can I become the affiliate member on a D23 Gold Membership Duo Plan and keep my Charter Member status?

No. In order to maintain your D23 Charter Membership status, you must be an individual D23 Gold Member or the primary member on the D23 Gold Membership Duo Plan.


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