Disney’s Haunted Mansion Film Reboot Books “Ghostbusters” Screenwriter

August 28, 2020 ,

Haunted Mansion fans–ready for some happy and haunting news? Disney has officially landed “Ghostbusters” screenwriter Katie Dippold to pen a script for a Haunted Mansion film reboot, according to a new report by The Hollywood Reporter.

For those not familiar with the writer, Dippold is most known for her work on the 2016 film remake of the original “Ghostbusters” movie series that featured the all-female cast of Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wigg, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and a few other famous female comedians.

The Haunted Mansion Katie Dippold
Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Now, Dippold will be heading back to the writer’s room to bring a story, based on the beloved and undead attraction found at the Disney Parks, to life on the big screen. The last time Disney fans got to see a movie based on the attraction was in 2003 in “The Haunted Mansion,” starring Eddie Murphy. However, now it seems the story will be resurrected once again.

Besides the news of Dippold stepping in to write the film, no other details have been revealed about this Haunted Mansion film reboot other than the fact that it will be a live-action movie. Although, based on the success of the 2003 version of the film, we can only assume the film will be a blockbuster hit for The Walt Disney Company.

The haunted Mansion film poster
Credit: Disney

The 2003 version of the film brought in over $182 million at the box-office for Disney, a major gain for the company–especially due to the fact that the film cost half of this major earnings to create.

Reportedly, The Haunted Mansion was considered for a film reboot in 2010 with Academy Award-winning director Guillermo del Torro serving as writer and director. Unfortunately, the project never made it into production.

What are your thoughts on Disney bringing the story of The Haunted Mansion back to the big screen once again? Let us know in the comments! 

Sean Sposato

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