Mickey Frozen Yogurt Bites – Recipe

August 4, 2020 ,

Looking for an easy and tasty way to cool down in the summer heat? Check out these ear-resistable Mickey Frozen Yogurt Bites! I found this super easy recipe on Disney Family and it’s sure to be a hit for kids (including kids at heart).


½ cup frozen blueberries or strawberries

¾ cup plain Greek yogurt

1 teaspoon honey

Mickey ice cube tray


Thaw frozen fruit until soft, then mash with a fork.

Mix with yogurt. Then add honey and combine.
Spread yogurt mixture into ice cube tray mold.

Freeze for at least 30 minutes, and up to a few hours.

Remove from freezer and pop yogurt bites from mold.

Enjoy immediately or store leftovers in a freezer-safe container.

Jackie Kutney
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