Magical Mail at Magic Kingdom! Did You Know?


I don’t know about you, but I love to get mail. It’s so exciting to check the mailbox and find a letter in there sent from family or friend. When it comes to sending mail, why not make it magical?  One of my family’s traditions while visiting the Magic Kingdom is to send a postcard and snap a photo of it being dropped into one of the mailboxes on Main Street. We usually go to the mailbox at the end of Main Street, so we have Cinderella Castle in the photo.

The mailboxes in the park are Turn of the Century mail collection boxes loaned by the US Postal Service. Mail is collected daily by cast members for entry into the US mail in Orlando, FL.  They are heavy so when opening the slot to place your mail in one! Watch your fingers!  Before we drop our postcards into the mailbox, we make our way over to The Chamber of Commerce to purchase stamps and get a postmark. You read that right, you can have your letters and postcards postmarked at the park. This is something that took me about three years to figure out. Before learning this, my mail would be postmarked from Orlando, FL.

At the Chamber of Commerce you will stamp the postmark yourself and there isn’t a limit to how many pieces of mail you can do.  To my knowledge there is green and black ink for the postmark. I postmarked my Christmas cards this past year at the Magic Kingdom. New tradition? Just a little magic in the mail.

Elizabeth Thompson
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