Stores Flip Flop At The Marketplace Co-Op In Disney Springs

In June 2014, the Marketplace Co-Op opened in Downtown Disney and has been changing ever since.  When the new area opened, it was meant to be a testing ground for new merchandise Disney retail concepts, shops, and products. When the new shopping area opened, they had six different stores.

  • Beautifully Disney
  • Cherry Tree Lane
  • D-Tech on Demand
  • The Trophy Room
  • Disney Centerpiece
  • Zoey and Pickles

Today, the stores are no longer in Downtown Disney, but Disney Springs instead and only three of the original stores are still open along with four others, they are:

  • D-Tech on Demand
  • Disney Centerpiece
  • The Dress Shop on Cherry Tree Lane
  • Bowes Signature Candles
  • Disney Tails
  • Twenty-Eight & Main
  • WonderGround Gallery

The other day, while doing some Christmas shopping I decided to walk through to see if WonderGround Gallery had any new Tangled/Rapunzel prints.  I wasn’t really paying attention and just headed to where WonderGround has always been.  To my surprise I found myself standing in Cherry Tree Lane and the back of the area being The Dress Shop.

At first, I wondered, did they close my favorite store?  I walked through Cherry Tree Lane and The Dress Shop only to realize that WonderGround Gallery now resides in the space formerly occupied by Cherry Tree and The Dress Shop.  As a huge fan of the art in the Gallery, I was happy to see the store occupy such a large area.

So what do you think of the change to the Co-Op and what other stores would you like to see?  Personally, I wish they would bring back Team Mickey.  I miss being able to get the different jerseys that were Disney themed. Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

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