New Guest Experience Teams Now at Hollywood Studios

Awhile back, we reported that the Magic Kingdom had a new way to assist guests in the parks. It’s called the Guest Experience Team! These extra kiosks are set up randomly throughout the park as a way to show attraction wait times, assist guests with their MDE app, and to answer questions without people having to go to the main guest relations area.  It was a trial run over the holidays that is still ongoing today, as the feature has been pretty successful.  This extra assistance was only at Magic Kingdom. However…

Photo from – McKenzie Reilly

Disney Hollywood Studios has just rolled out Guest Experience Teams in their Park. Now those who are visiting the Studios will also have extra help finding information and getting their questions answered throughout the park. I’m assuming if these teams continue to be well received that we will see them in other locations too. Stay tuned for more updates as we see them!

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