Survey Says: Calories Don’t Count at Disney!

Research indicates that the three most common new years resolutions are to diet/eat healthier, followed by exercise more, and lose weight.  If I lost 1 pound for every single time I made those promises to myself during the year, well, let’s just say I would be negative pounds. Now here we are, shuffling into the second week of the new year, and many of us are planning our Disney trips out, making dining reservations, drooling over all the foodie blogs we post and practically filing away our resolutions, because calories don’t count at Disney, right?

In a perfect world that would be the case, but unfortunately, calories do count, even at Disney. If you were one of the people who made a resolution this year to diet/eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight, TMSM has got your back with some helpful solutions to keep you on track while at the Happiest Place on Earth!

Disclaimer: Before embarking on any diet or lifestyle change, we recommend discussing it with your doctor. We at TMSM are not physicians, dietitians, or experts. We are not promoting or promising any kind of health benefits associated to the information provided. We just really like food, and we want to be healthier, just like you. 

All the information you can possibly read on getting healthier says that to be successful with any lifestyle changes, the key is to be consistent, even when you’re on vacation. The good news is if you want to exercise more, walk the World Showcase at EPCOT 3 times and you’re golden on reaching or exceeding 10,000 steps. The challenge is to walk the showcase and not eat everything dripping in delicious, thus canceling out the calories you burned walking.

I’m not saying don’t indulge, I’m saying let’s make smarter food choices to keep our resolutions. Here are some tips to help you be successful while on vacation:

  • Did you know that you can save a few dollars if you order entrees only? If you tell the cashier that you only want a grilled chicken sandwich, with no sides, your meal costs less! You can even ask that the grilled chicken be wrapped in a lettuce “bun”. Healthier option and you avoid the carb crash of eating bread.
  • Still want a side to go with your grilled chicken sandwich? Order a side salad instead of fries. Not into greenery, you can substitute fries for fruit as well. Make sure to ask for the dressing on the side.
  • Find your mini food market and grab fresh snacks. Each Disney park has these mini market areas where you can grab apples, oranges, and other healthy options versus a churro, mickey pretzel or an ice cream sandwich. As tempting as those sound, remember your resolutions, stay strong my friends.
  • Pack your own snacks – it’s cost efficient and saves time on waiting in lines to purchase something to gnaw on. You also control what kind of food you are feeding your body. If you have specific allergies or are trying to stay away from sugar, this is a good tip to help you get through your day at the park.
  • Prescribing to a specific diet? No carb, low carb, Keto, weight watchers? No problem! There are tons of food options for you, so you don’t have to be discouraged, you just have to do your homework.

Final tip: Never feel bad to substitute items when you order, remember that it’s important to put you and your health first, and Disney will accommodate that. The healthier you are, the longer you live, and that’s more time to enjoy Disney parks and magic.



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