TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ The Dream is Free, Hustle Sold Separately

June 13, 2018

Happy Wednesday! We’ve been out of town working, and I can’t wait to tell you about it.  You know that saying, “the dream is free, the hustle is sold separately?”  That’s what this week is all about.  Let’s get to it!

Since we talked last, it’s been a whirlwind of work.  I did a guest spot for two different podcasts, gave an interview for a radio station, and then headed to Alabama to work Magic City Con.  To say it’s been crazy is an understatement.  But it’s a good kind of crazy.  Promotion for TMSM is something that we HAVE to do, no one is going to do it for us! It’s truly a labor of love, and sometimes we have to take the show on the road.  When we made it to Alabama on Thursday evening, we checked into the hotel and went to scope out the convention area.  There always has to be a game plan for these events, how we’re going to set up, etc.  On Friday morning it was go time and we had to set up our table.  Presentation is important, we had copies of my book on the table along with free TMSM swag and such to pass out.  We also had a small bin of Disney Lularoe Leggings too.  All good.  We were moved into the hallway area with the celeb guests and artists, it was a good place to be.  Over the weekend, we got to know Joe and John, two fantastic guys where were in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2.  We also chatted up Justin who was on The Walking Dead, and Ming Chen from Comic Book Men.  It’s fascinating to talk to these people, to hear behind the scenes details of movies and television shows.  Speaking of details, we met a new friend Bryan, who’s an artist and does extra work on tv and such.  Hearing his stories are fabulous, truly.  I honestly didn’t know what goes on and how things work in the acting business.  I could listen for hours.  We have interviews coming up with some of these guys too, so watch for it! So much fun!

One of the best parts of working these conventions, is getting to meet the people who follow what we do. Sure, I try to thank people as much as possible online for the support, but being able to in person is so much better. My book, Moving to Main Street USA, has been out just over a year, and is still going strong. That’s a huge blessing. I’m thinking it’s time for another book maybe? On Sunday, our friend and staffer Robert and his wife Carolyn came out to see us from Georgia. It was nice getting to visit with them too. As tiring as it was, the weekend was a success and I’m so glad we went! A huge thank you to those who came to see us, and to Jamie who runs Magic City Con for inviting us out. We’ll see you again next year!

We’re back in Florida now, and trying to regroup from being out of town for four days. I feel bad because the boys are out of school, and all we’ve done is work. Yesterday I did take them down to the pool in the neighborhood for an hour or so to swim. It was much needed. We had to get ready for our live show last night, which will go back to Monday evenings next week. The live show is a lot of fun, if you missed it, you can catch it on our YouTube channel! Well, that’s it for this week. The moral of the story for tonight, I suppose, would be that if you have a dream that you want to keep alive, you have to work for it. If I can do it, anyone can. Dreams can become a reality, and if or when they do, you have to keep that hustle going so you keep your dream alive and prosperous. Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams are silly or not possible, because you can indeed rise above and do your thing, I promise it’s true! Thank you for keeping up with us every week, I appreciate it. Until next time, sending you love, blessings and pixie dust. See ya real soon! ~M

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