Jungle Cruise Quiz

January 31, 2018 , , ,

Think you know the Jungle Cruise? The Disney Parks Blog recently posted a quiz to test your knowledge of this ‘punny’ attraction.

1. Where in Magic Kingdom Park is the Jungle Cruise located?

  1. Frontierland
  2. Fantasyland
  3. Adventureland

2. What’s the name of the famous waterfall you pass on the Jungle Cruise?

  1. Albert Falls
  2. Schwitzer Falls
  3. Lily Falls

3. Which of the following rivers is on that you’ll venture through on the Jungle Cruise?

  1. The Mekong River
  2. The Orange River
  3. The Senegal River

4. Which dining location at Magic Kingdom park is themed to the Jungle Cruise attraction?

  1. Jungle Navigation Co. Ltd. Skipper Canteen
  2. Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Café
  3. Tortuga Tavern

5. Which of the following is an actual boat name on the Jungle Cruise?

  1. Asian Angler
  2. Congo Connie
  3. Jambo Julie


  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 1
  5. 2

How did you do? Tell us how many you got right in the comments!

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