The Disney Blues

December 1, 2017 , ,

It’s a day we dread. A day we hope won’t come. And yet, every single time, that day comes without fail. That day is the day your vacation at Disney ends and you have to go back to reality. Usually, this day involves sadness, tears, and goodbyes. We say goodbye to the parks, the resorts, the buses, the monorail, and just about everything else Disney related we can find.

You get home and long to be back. You wish to see the castle, ride Tower of Terror one more time, give Mickey a hug, see the back side of water, high-five a Cast Member. You want to relive it all over again. Just thinking about it brings a smile to your face. And then reality sets in. You ARE home, you have to go back to work/school, you have bills to pay and emails to reply to. You are no longer in your happy place and the Disney blues start to set in.

We all experience it and it’s not fun. However, there are some ways to help combat the Disney withdrawals and help you get through until your next trip!

1. Listen to Disney music – there are radio stations that stream music from the parks and rides, there are CD’s that you can purchase
2. Look through pictures – go back and look through the pictures from your trip (numerous times if necessary)
3. Videos – there are many, many videos available of the parades, fireworks, rides, character meets, and shows
4. Read – you can find a lot of books about Disney parks, cruises, fun facts, and about Walt Disney himself
5. FOLLOW US – every day we put out numerous blogs that are Disney related. We also have Twitter, a YouTube channel, a closed Facebook group, and even a dating section on our website!
6. Book your next trip – there is no better feeling than knowing exactly when you are going back to Disney! Start a countdown and watch the days fly by!

The Disney blues are no fun so we hope these tips help you to get your fix until your next trip! What is your favorite way to beat the Disney blues?

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