An Inside Look Into the Rebuilding of Disney Golf’s Not-So-Hidden Mickey

From the Disney Parks Blog and written by: Darrell Fry

For anyone who has played Disney’s Magnolia Golf Course, the highlight is usually the par 3 No. 6 hole because of the one-of-a-kind Mickey-shaped sand bunker.

Well, that iconic bunker was recently enhanced in an effort to preserve its unique shape for years to come. The team at Arnold Palmer Golf Management, which manages our four Walt Disney World Resort courses, used a special concrete mixture that will extend the lifespan of the bunker while also maintaining the sand for optimal play.
But here’s the best part: That Mickey bunker soon won’t be the only one. I’m excited to reveal that more Mickey-shaped bunkers are in the works for our other three Walt Disney World Resort golf courses. We are planning to add them on hole No. 8 on the Disney’s Palm Golf Course, No. 12 on Disney’s Lake Buena Vista Golf Course and No. 9 on Disney’s Oak Trail Golf Course sometime next summer.

In the meantime, check out the image below to see how the newly reimagined Mickey Mouse bunker at the Magnolia course was created!

Mickey-shaped sand bunker

For more information on all of the golf experiences at Walt Disney World Resort, just swing by one of our pro shops or call 407-WDW-GOLF (939-4653).

The Main Street Mouse