Star Wars Vanity Fair Covers

Star Wars fans rejoice! The latest issue of Vanity Fair, set to hit newsstands nationally on June 5th, is all about Star Wars! As we approach the 40th anniversary this week, Vanity Fair debuts the cast of Episode VIII, The Last Jedi, with photographs by the famed Annie Leibovitz, on the cover, with four different covers to choose from!

One of the covers is a tribute to Carrie Fisher, who passed away in December 2016. The cover features her as Leia, who has been a central figure to the Star Wars franchise.

Included in the issue is a new photoshoot on the set of Episode VIII, The Last Jedi, a commemorative poster, and secrets from the set. The digital version includes lightsaber sound effects.

Which cover will you choose? May the force be with you as you make your choice (or just buy all 4).

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