I’m Mary Poppins Y’all! Michael Rooker Meets Mary Poppins!

I’m Mary Poppins Y’all!

He may be blue, but not about getting to meet Mary Poppins yesterday at Disneyland. Michael Rooker, who plays Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, has a scene in the movie where he is told that he looks like Mary Poppins and exclaims “I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!” On his Facebook and Instagram, Rooker posted the above image with the caption “She’s Mary Poppins y’all…just kidding…#immarypoppinsyall” as a nod to the movie. That line alone led to many fans creating memes of Yondu in scenes from Mary Poppins, including the scene from The Great Movie Ride at Hollywood Studios.

Have you seen the movie yet? Let us know what you think the comments below!

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