Beauty and the Beast is one of the most beloved tales from Disney. The story revolves around the cursed place on the Prince (Beast) because of his failure to see beauty is found within. The curse turned him into the Beast and all who dwelt within the castle into living objects, as well as cursing the castle itself. The reason for the curse came when an old beggar woman came to Prince’s castle requesting shelter from the bitter cold and she offered to him a rose. The Prince sneered at the beautiful gift and turned the old woman away because of her haggard appearance. The woman shed her false form, revealing herself to be an astonishingly beautiful enchantress. She left the rose with the Beast and as explained:
The reason for the curse came when an old beggar woman came to Prince’s castle requesting shelter from the bitter cold and she offered to him a rose. The Prince sneered at the beautiful gift and turned the old woman away because of her haggard appearance. The woman shed her false form, revealing herself to be an astonishingly beautiful enchantress. She left the rose with the Beast and as explained:
“The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his twenty-first year. If he could learn to love another and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.”
The rose has become a symbol of the film and now you can have your own Enchanted Rose.
The description of this rose reads:
This life-sized replica of the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast is absolutely everything you hope it will be! The removable glass dome is placed atop a wooden base, encasing a single magical rose. The rose has a wire in the stem so that you can bend it to the desired shape, and the petals have latex to give them a realistic feel. Golden glitter is dusted onto the petals for a whimsical sparkle. The tiny LED lights incorporated into the stem, petals, and cascading from the rose to the fallen petals resting at the base make this piece immediately eye-catching. The lights have an on/off switch on the battery pack. It requires 3 AA batteries which I include, so that the Enchanted Rose is ready for display upon arrival. Dimensions are 9″ across for the base and about 12.5″ – 13″ tall for the glass dome and base.
To order your Enchanted Rose today for yourself or a gift for that Beauty and the Beast fan, click HERE.
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