Did You Spot These Easter Eggs in Big Hero 6?

March 27, 2016 ,

From our friends at the Oh My Disney:

Every Disney fan is obsessed with hidden Easter eggs because every Disney movie has them, and Big Hero 6 is no exception. We were absolutely thrilled to learn that there are so many hidden surprises in this huggable movie. Of course we spotted a few while the movie was in theaters, but now that it’s coming to Blu-Ray we can comb through each scene with a fine toothed comb to find every. single. Big Hero 6. easter egg. Before we have our frame-by-frame party (to which you are totally invited) we’re getting pumped with these helpful videos:

Let’s review:

Fred and Hiro are obviously fans of Hero’s Duty from Wreck-it Ralph.


Yes, that is a Cy-Bug. You can find another one Hiro’s room.

And where there are Cy-Bugs…


…soldiers aren’t far behind.

No Disney movie would be complete without…



… hidden Mickeys!

There are a boat load of Frozen references in Big Hero 6.


Literally. That’s a boat from Arendelle.

Olaf is San Fransokyo’s favorite snowman too.


Fact: Olaf and Baymax both like warm hugs.

The Big Hero 6 team even got to do something we’ve always wanted to do.


Sorry, Hans. We just can’t let it go.

We bet you didn’t spot all of these in theaters! Find even more easter eggs when Big Hero 6 comes to HD Digital (2/3) and Blu-ray (2/24).

What other surprises have you found in Big Hero 6? Tell us in the comments!


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