Today In Disney History ~ January 6th

Today In Disney History ~ January 6th


A Rafting Expedition in the Heart of Asia

Hang on tight for a thrilling whitewater adventure along the scenic Chakranadi River.Meander along a winding path brimming with solemn stone ruins before venturing inside a centuries-old temple, home to animal shrines and hand-painted murals. Continue on through a small shop selling hand-crafted wares and then enter the boathouse of Kali Rapids Expeditions, your tour company for the day’s journey.

Adventure Awaits!
Make your way to a wooden pagoda and then onto a large, circular 12-passenger raft. Strap yourself in and gently glide up a 90-foot knoll into a mist, the native scents of jasmine and ginger filling the air. At the top, skim across an erupting geyser and brace yourself as you begin your descent down the mountain.

During your voyage, bob up and down and gently spin, water splashing in all directions. Sail beneath a canopy of lush vegetation as your raft weaves back and forth in the fast-moving river. Graze gushing waterfalls and bounce between craggy mountain bedrock amid the raging current. Then, plummet down a dramatic 20-foot slope!

Elephant Squirters
Located atop the bridge that overlooks Kali River Rapids are a series of elephant-themed water sprayers available to non-rafters. Easily activated by pressing a button, these free-to-use squirters can be operated to drench rafters as they pass by.”

TMSM Today in Graphic by Sherry Rinaldi DeHart; Quote Source

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