Pay To Park At The Disney Resorts??

December 29, 2015 , ,

From TMSM Reporter Susanne Kain


There are some rumors swirling around that Disney is testing paid parking at some of their resorts. As you know, TMSM doesn’t deal in rumors, so we went straight to the source and asked.

According to Disney, ‘there has not been any type of pilot program announced concerning Guests having to pay for parking at the resorts. As of right now, parking is still complimentary.’ When asked about them turning away guests that may want to visit the resorts, we were told that ‘Boardwalk and Contemporary Resorts are not letting anyone without dining reservations park unless you pay for the valet service. That is due to the busy holiday season’

If Disney was to implement a pay-to-park system at some of the resorts or Disney Springs, how would you feel? Do you think it would eliminate those that park at the resorts and use Disney transportation to get to the parks?

One thought on “Pay To Park At The Disney Resorts??”
  1. I’m okay with paying to park at the resorts if you DO NOT or ARE NOT RESIDING ON PROPERTY at the time of your stay. However, anyone who is currently staying on Disney property should have complete and total access to any of their properties without a hassle.

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