TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ Merry Christmas Everyone!



It’s Wednesday, and not only is it time for our weekly check in, it also is almost Christmas time.  I can’t believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow.  Time has seemed to go by so fast, and I’m still trying to take inventory of what I’ve bought for people and what I still need to do, it’s crazy!

The Christmas season at Disney has flown by, I feel like we didn’t get to enjoy it as much as we did last year.  I never get tired of seeing Cinderella Castle all lit up so festively, and truth be told, I’m really going to miss the Osborne Lights once they are gone for good.  This week isn’t so much about Florida living per say, as it is about Christmas time and remembering what’s important.  Disney is up there on my most loved list, and it’s something I can’t imagine not enjoying at some point down the road.  It’s part of me and what I do.  The biggest part of me though, is of course my friends and family, and being around the people I love at this time of the year.

Our world is a crazy one, and it’s easy to get discouraged or forget what means the most to us when it comes down to it.  Christmas is a great reminder.  Buying Christmas presents is something I truly love to do, giving to other brings me a lot of happiness.  As the kids get older it’s harder to buy for them, they get picky and indecisive.  I wish I could afford to give them whatever they want, but since that’s not the case, I just do my best.  I remember how it felt when I was little, the anticipation of Christmas morning and all the fun it entailed.  I miss that.  We also had the issue this year with my younger son Aidan, and whether or not he still believed in Santa.  He does at this point, but I know my time is limited there.  I’d hate for him to find out like I did.  When I was in third grade, my mom sent me in her room to get her slippers, and I saw a coveted Cabbage Patch Doll that I had been longing for right in her closet.  While I was elated that I was getting THE toy that I wanted, I also felt disappointed because the anticipation of Santa’s visit pretty much disappeared.  I don’t want that for my boys.  They’re only young once, and I’m in no hurry for them to grow up!

I know a lot of you won’t be online much over the next few days, as you’ll be celebrating Christmas with loved ones. I’ll be doing the same.  I’ve been writing these blogs every Wednesday for over a year and a half, and I wanted to make sure to still take time for our talk, and to send you Christmas wishes.  So with that, from myself and the entire TMSM Staff, we wish you all a safe,blessed and Merry Christmas!  Until next week…. enjoy your holiday, and I’ll see ya real soon! ~M


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