all-new special that gives Snow White fans an “unprecedented look at Walt Disney’s journey to create the historic first full-length animated feature film.” “Behind the Magic: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” will show fans how Walt Disney “decided to take a big creative, financial and personal risk: he put his small animation studio – until now dedicated to turning out comedy shorts – to work adapting a fairy tale into a full-color, full-length animated feature film.”
The special be narrated by Once Upon a Time’s own Snow White, Ginnifer Goodwin, and will feature interviews with Richard Sherman, John Lasseter, Alan Menken, Eric Goldberg, Jennifer Lee, Chris Buck and more.Also appearing will be some of the original 1937 film talent, Disney Historians from the Walt Disney Archives and Walt Disney Animation Research Library. The special will explore not only how Walt decided to make the first 90 minute long animated movie and the creative challenges involved in being so innovative but also the toll creating the movie took on Walt, his relationships and the Disney company.
“Behind the Magic: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” airs Sunday, December 13, (8:00 – 9:00 p.m., EST) on the ABC Television Network.
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Hope it gets rebroadcast or within this Christmas Season gets put on DVD or live streamed as I missed it..