TMSM Mythbusters: Walt Myths

September 14, 2015 ,

mythbusters The goal of this blog series is to factually prove or disprove rumors and myths in the Disney-verse. Tonight in honor of PBS’s Walt Disney: American Experience special we wanted to revisit some Walt Myths.


Walt’s Body After he Died

“Is Walt is cryogenically frozen?” Addie Clark of the Nation also mentioned this myth “When I was a child, we were walking by one of the entrances to the tunnels under MK and my brother tried to convince me Walt’s frozen head was down there. Not his whole body…just his head
Joe Schlenger “Is Walt buried under one of the Partners statues?”
Well the answer to all of these is no. Walt died 12/15/66, and the first recorded cryonic suspension didn’t occur until 1/12/67.   Walt’s death certificate actually notes that he was cremated and his remains are buried in a marked grave at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale.

10525841_4212157519750_2096196563165430385_n Walt and Military Service
Amy Richardson asked “Was Walt Disney was dishonorably discharged from the US Army?”
Though Walt WANTED to join the Army during World War I he wasn’t old enough, he was only 16. So instead Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent to Europe where he spent a year driving ambulances and Red Cross officials around. He also covered his ambulance in cartoons and drawings. By the time he turned 18 in 1920 Walt was back in Kansas City working as an advertising cartoonist. So because one can never be dishonorably discharged from a service you were never a part of, this myth is false.


Which Quote
Today Nation Member Casey P posted the following question. “We all know the famous quote, but which version of it is correct?” This myth is more about which words were used. We all know the famous quote was said but was it “it all started with a” or “it was all started by.”

11018058_10100770358382988_4010679162061510274_n 11233172_10100770358258238_8512022546070265708_n It seems that at some point Walt’s quote about remembering that Mickey was the reason for the start of the Disney empire was tweaked be it on purpose or on accident.  Thankfully this is easy to resolve because Walt said it on film!!

So the answer to this perplexing wording is, “I hope we never lose sight of one thing- that is was all started by a mouse.” So since this was more of a misconception or “re-wording” we will go ahead and stamp this with “Myth Confirmed.”
Mythbuster confirmed


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