Wes’ Fight Against Neuroblastoma ~ Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


On Thursdays we usually talk about feel good stories and feature random acts of kindness that are showing through Disney and other places. Tonight’s blog is different, but oh so important. As some of you know, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. To me, childhood cancer is probably  the worst,  it effects so many helpless innocent children on a daily basis, and it truly breaks my heart. When I see these heartbreaking stories of these special children, I always first cry, and second wish there was something I could do. One particular story that I have been following for a bit now is what an amazing little boy named Wes has been going through. And I really, really want to help him. Here’s a little bit about Wes from his Facebook page~

Wes was born in Newport News, VA two weeks early on December 21, 2005. He is a fun-loving, intelligent, and compassionate young boy with the faith like no other. He enjoys soldiers, star wars, and anything involving animals/bugs. He became a big brother on March 13, 2011 and again on March 6, 2013.

Up until June 24, 2011 Wes was an extremly healthy boy, hardly even having as much as an ear infection. Shortly after graduating preschool in May 2011 he began to feel abdominal pain and his appetite grew smaller and smaller. After being told it was constipation by a physician at an emergency care center, we took him in to his pediatrician two weeks later. Dr. Baust and Dr. Butcher both looked over him as a team and decided we needed an xray instead of just brushing it aside. An x-ray revealed a mass of some kind in his left abdomen, and we were soon sent to CHKD in Norfolk, VA. There we were informed our five year old son had a large mass in his left side that had been pushing on all of his inside organs causing him to feel full. They named it stage 3 high risk neuroblastoma. Soft tissue was found on one of his lymph nodes later bumping him to the low end of stage 4. Today Wes has begun his fight with cancer, and is kicking butt!

This new path we are about to start on is going to be new territory, but I know with our trust in God everything will be okay. Currently we are a one income family, but have currently been out of work to take care of our sweet boy. I have faith that everything will work out! (Wes is currently battling neuroblastoma for a fourth time).

Why my son is a hero –

To me a hero is someone that inspires and motivates others to carry on even when the odds are against them. My little boy, Wes, has always been a hero, even before falling ill. Ever since a young toddler he has been loving, compassionate, and an amazing believer in God. At just four years old his heart broke for his little friend as he requested prayer for her mother to be healed from alchoholism. I had never witnessed a child so young that laid hands on someone and truly believed in his heart that God was going to take care of them until I watched my son. He provided encouragement to many when others just could not find the words. His faith still has not stopped even though just two weeks ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma. Despite the needles, transfusions, chemo, and medication, he pushes forward. While his tumor takes up the majority of the left side bringing pain and causing him not to eat, he still manages to keep a smile on his face and laughter in the air. If he can smile despite his illness, why can’t we? Wes’ strength gives me the will to move forward. He is my inspiration, my motivation, my hero.

Wes’ mommy and a few local ladies have started a foundation to spread awareness about this nasty disease. Please check it out! www.facebook.com/unitedingrace
Website https://www.wix.com/browneyedgurl2004/wesarmy

Wes has suffered a relapse and has been in and out of the hospital. This is his FOURTH, yes FOURTH battle with Neuroblastoma! His family is struggling and they really need the help. I’m asking if my wonderful and compassionate Main Streeters can spread the word of Wes’ story so that maybe some relief can come to them. I’m also asking you to pray for this precious boy and his family, that God works a miracle and heals him. They have a fundraising page that I will attach below, if you’d like to consider making a donation. Every little bit helps, and I know the family would appreciate it. God bless you all for taking the time to read this, and for helping sweet little Wes and his family. We will keep you updated!

To help, go to~ https://www.youcaring.com/other/wes-cancer-battle-relapsed-neuroblastoma/216602

For more updates, check out https://www.facebook.com/Wes.Fight.Against.NB/timeline

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