Behind the Scenes: Learning The Tradition of Italian Flag Throwing at Epcot


Sbandieratori Di Sansepolcro, or “the flag throwers of Sansepolcro,” are an amazing new addition to the entertainment lineup at Epcot. Flag throwing is a tradition that dates back several centuries in Italy – it started first as something one would see during war, as a village or city would try to protect their flag during battle. In the decades since, flag throwing has evolved into a form of performance art, and many Italian towns still have their own flag throwing troupes.

I recently went behind-the-scenes to meet the performers of Sbandieratori Di Sansepolcro, and I was fascinated to learn that not only is this troupe the oldest in all of Italy, but many of the current performers have known each other since as young as age five!

Check out the video below to learn more about this great group of performers.

You can see Sbandieratori Di Sansepolcro seven days a week at Epcot. Check the park’s Times Guide for more information. (Entertainment always subject to change).

Behind the Scenes: Learning The Tradition of Italian Flag Throwing at Epcot by Jennifer Fickley-Baker: Originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog

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