Why “Inside Out” is an Important Film for All of us ~ By Sarah Dengan Moje

June 28, 2015 , ,


Pixar Keeps Getting Better and Better

Why Inside Out Is An Important Film For All of Us by Sarah Dengan Moje

Ever wonder how your brain works? More to the point, did your child ever ask you how their brain works? Unless you are a neurosurgeon or a psychologist, you may struggle to answer that question. Hey, even if you are in one of those lauded professions, you may struggle to answer that question. Luckily for all of us, Disney Pixar has once again provided us with a perfectly wonderful way to answer one of those difficult questions life and kids throw out at unsuspecting adults every now and then.

Run, don’t walk to the theater to see Inside Out! My three and a half year old and I were there at the 1st showing on Friday morning and it was so very worth it. Pixar created a wonderland of the human mind, with thoughts as shiny as gumballs and emotions perfectly hued to match what they were expressing. Of course Disgust was green and Anger was red. And oh, sadness, with those round magnifying eyeglasses, because isn’t it true that when we are sad, that feeling is magnified by 100%? Fear was a nice mix of a nervous Nellie and a Nerd and Joy, sweet Joy with her blue hair and sparkly dress kept things flowing in the old noggin.

The toys are out already and I know I’ll be running to collect all of them for my pint sized little miss. And maybe, using the movie and the toys as a guide, children all over can learn to not only express their emotions but also understand them and appreciate that every single feeling and emotion is important. Kids need to know it is ok to be afraid, sad, nervous, and even angry. Of course, it’s the most fun to be happy and Disney has once again hit a home run and brought happiness to the lives of everyone who sees this family film. And, what happens when all those emotions mix together? A rainbow of wonder that had tears running down this mom’s face….hey, what can I say? I am in touch with all my emotions!!

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