Our Favorite Moments from Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim

From the Disney Insider blog

We’re back from Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, and it feels like we’ve returned from a galaxy far, far away (we had to). The convention was amazing, and you could feel the love for Star Wars from every attendee. There were a lot of highlights from our time at Celebration, but we wanted to focus on a few of our favorites.

That Star Wars: The Force Awakens Panel

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Ph: Film Frame ©Lucasfilm 2015

We cried. We mean, full on sobbing that would have embarrassed the people next to us but they were crying, too. Everyone in the audience was so happy to be there and hear all of their favorite actors (both old and new) talk about Star Wars. It was surreal in all the right ways. If you haven’t watched the trailer yet, you can check it out in our earlier post.

The Convention Floor


There were so many photo opportunities that it made our heads spin. You could meet Roxy the Rancor, jump on a speeder bike in Endor, and pose with Jabba the Hutt. Our favorite was this R2-D2 who was rolling around the floor with a camera on his head. You can check that video out on Oh My Disney!

All of the Star Wars Rebels Content


We were blown away by how much amazing Rebels content was discussed and revealed at Celebration. We are basically counting the minutes until Season 2 begins, especially because some old friends are returning.



He’s so important, he gets his own paragraph. Fans were so excited to discover that BB-8 was actually animatronic and not CGI. We couldn’t wait to see BB-8 in all of his robot glory, so we went to see the Star Wars: The Force Awakens props and costumes display. It was like seeing a celebrity! All of the awesome new costumes from the film were there, and it was really hard to keep our cool when we saw the new Stormtroopers.

The Cosplay


We met people who had traveled from near and far to be at Celebration and share their love of Star Wars with others. People who worked for months on their costumes and couldn’t wait to show them to the world.

Like this awesome Sabine from Star Wars Rebels who we met on line for the Rebels Design Class panel (read our liveblog here).


Or these snazzy stormtroopers who came from Georgia and Tennessee.


This tiny Jedi was one of our favorites.


The Star Wars Merchandise


We can neither confirm nor deny that we purchased this giant Chewbacca. There were awesome items everywhere, and you could buy items ranging from a cool patch to an entire Stormtrooper uniform.

The Cantina


The Mos Eisley Cantina was the home base for everything happening on StarWars.com. It also happened to be the place that we were able to dress up and actually exist within the Star Wars world. It was the best day.

The Proximity to Disneyland and Disney California Adventure


This has nothing to do with Celebration, but it was awesome being just a few minutes away from the happiest place on Earth. We definitely took a side trip to visit the park.

We’re still combing through all of our photos and love every minute of them. What were your favorite parts of Star Wars Celebration?


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