TMSM Mythbusters: Beatles at the Poly and Prove the Net Wrong

mythbusters The goal of this blog series is to factually prove or disprove rumors and myths in the Disney-verse. Tonight on TMSM Mythbusters we will look into whether Disney played a roll in the end of a musical era and challenge you all to prove the world wrong!

Disney Disney Decide Only They Could Have Yellow Submarines?

Many people ask “Did the Beatles really end at Disney World?”  Because this is TMSM Mythbusters there will be an answer, but it will be fun and have lyrics thrown in so pay attention.

Long before Disneyland had the yellow submarines that are part of the Nemo ride in Tomorrowland, the Beatles sang about a man who sailed to sea and he told of his life in the land of submarines. But as time rolled on the waves of rock n roll got choppy and in 1970 the band announced their split and the end of the Beatles. And though life goes on brah, the band needed to make things official and legal and that took a full FOUR years to do The lawyers refused to let it be because papers had to be signed.  Even in the end the four members of the Beatles couldn’t come together to sign the paperwork required to dissolve the band. Ringo signed the papers in England far from strawberry fields, while George and Paul set off  to invade the Plaza Hotel in New York.

B5-r5a2CcAAvT48Interestingly John wasn’t there, instead he had decided to spend Christmas in Florida with his son Julian and his girlfriend. The lawyers wanting to see the end of all their hard word,  sent all their love in person to John in the form of hand delivered legal documents. Apple’s lawyer brought the papers to John at the Polynesian Village Hotel and said hello and good bye on December 29, 1974.  John was the last member of the Beatles to sign the paperwork dissolving the Beatles, and he signed them at Walt Disney World.

This would make this musically involved Disney Myth is confirmed, and I hope you enjoyed me being a joker in this myth as I truly love the Beatles and their music.

Mythbuster confirmed The Internet is a Waste
Earlier I mentioned our second myth would involve proving the world wrong. The thing about this myth is I can’t prove or disprove it without YOUR help. There is a statement I see online a lot “Welcome to the Internet, guess what no one cares.” I think this statement is FALSE. On March 25, 2014 TMSM Fan Nation was born. Since then we have gained almost 9000 members. I won’t lie we have our moments of drama, sometimes a troll slips out from under a rock, and we don’t always get along. BUT! The Nation has become a family. We share stories, jokes, ask questions, and even ask for Pixie Dust. Untitled 6

For those who don’t know what a Pixie Dust Request is, this is where Disney fans send positive thoughts, any happy little thought, prayers and love out to another Disney fan in need of some emotional encouragement. Lately though I have noticed many members asking for Pixie Dust for very important reasons, like a major illness, a death in the family etc. sadly today we had two members loose loved ones. Though I don’t chime in on many of the requests, I read them, I feel for the person and I keep them in my heart, but sometimes I feel they need MORE than that, and THIS is where the challenge comes in.

I believe the statement “Welcome to the Internet, guess what no one cares” is WRONG. I also believe that Main Streeters and Nation Members can in fact PROVE this myth as busted. But HOW you say? Simple. We are declaring 3/10/15 to be “TMSM Love Day” a day dedicated to loving those around you in the Disney community.  We are asking that every person who reads this article wear SOMETHING red and/or yellow in honor of those who need Pixie Dust on “TMSM Love Day.”  You can wear a red and/or yellow shirt, socks, a hat, even a Magicband just make sure that while you are wearing that article you take a moment to think of those in need. While you out in the world representing those colors take a photo of yourself. This weekend we will share the TMSM Love Day logo on TMSM’s Facebook page so that you can post your photo in the comments section to prove people DO care. You can also tag your photos on social networks with #TMSMCares

Why red and yellow? Firstly they are TMSM’s primary colors, but also each color is associated with positive things. The color red is associated with passion, strength, love and determination. The color yellow is associated with energy, attention, joy and happiness. This challenge is to see who has the passion for TMSM to show their love and determination to make this world a joyful and happy place. Those who accept the challenge will need to pay attention for the logo this weekend to share their photo that shows they took the time and energy to bust this myth!!




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