Wendy’s Word of the Day, Grand Fantasy Disney Giveaway! Day 4!

February 5, 2015


I hope you guys are remembering to enter each day! It’s been fun!

As we told you last week, the Wendy Williams is hosting a Disney Vacation Grand Fantasy Giveaway for the entire month of February. Here’s how it works, each day Wendy will announce her word of the day, which we will supply you with each night in case you miss it. Then, you go to the contest page grandfantasygiveaway.com and enter with the word each day. There is a different trip being offered each week for the month! Stay tuned to TMSM for the word of the day each evening, we’ll be watching for you! Good luck!

Mondays Word of the Day is ~ GUIDE
Tuesdays Word of the Day is ~ PRINCESS
Wednesdays Word of the Day is ~ MONORAIL
Thursdays Word of the Day is ~ RESORT

Be sure to check Wendy’s official site for rules and restrictions! See ya tomorrow! ~M

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