Hands On with Crystal Mickey – Disney Infinity Toy Unboxing

December 31, 2014 ,

From the Disney Insider blog

As part of our ongoing Disney toy unboxing series, we’ve got a great new toy to open up today–and just in time for Christmas!

Today we’re taking a look at the all new Crystal Edition of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey figure for Disney Infinity, aka “Crystal Mickey.” Crystal Mickey is a special version of the already-released Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey figure, based on Mickey’s look in the most famous segment of 1940’s Fantasia film. This time the mouse that started it all is sporting a new look both in the real world and in the game, too. So, what makes him so special? Join us as we find out:

Crystal Mickey is available at Disney Stores and other major retailers everywhere, both in stores and online. As of right now, there’s still time to get out to the store and return with one of these in time for Christmas. And if you missed your chance at getting this figure under the tree or in a stocking? Well, it’s always a good time for more Mickey.


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