Make Your Own Disney Cameo Ornament

Make Your Own Disney Cameo Ornament by Guest Blogger Jen Metzger

4 Do you want an easy Disney craft to make for the Christmas holidays? This one is super easy and looks great on the tree.

You will need:

  • Felt
  • Thread
  • Needles and pins
  • Paper (I use card stock)
  • Ribbon
  • A lighter
  • And I suggest sewing scissors

5 1. First decide what character you want  to create. You can either draw the profile template on your paper or you can print an image off the internet and cut it out for a template.

2. Then you will decide what color felt you want your character to be and pin your template down and cut it out.
3. Now you want to cut out ovals to go behind your character. I do at least two to three ovals, one just slightly larger then the character and one larger then the first oval and so on. (I am doing 3 ovals for this ornament)

4. After you have everything cut out, you can sew it together. I sew the character on the first oval, the first oval to the second, then I cut my ribbon and burn the ends (so it won’t fray), sew the ribbon to the back of the oval, and finish with the last oval. My daughter and I sign and date the backs. 3
That is all. Super simple and I think they look great! Hope you enjoy making new memories to add to your tree!

About me: My name is Jen Metzger. I am a theatre teacher in Texas. I love to create Disney art and crafts for my beautiful 11 year old daughter!

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