January 2015 Merchandise Events At Disneyland Resort

December 17, 2014 , ,

It’s a new year and we have new events waiting for you. Here’s a look at what merchandise events we have headed your way this January at the Disneyland Resort!

image January 10-11: Join us as we welcome Hero Design Studio from 1–4 p.m., each day, at WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney District.

January 16-17: Join us for a special artist showcase as we celebrate the release of some of the newest pieces by artists Jerrod Maruyama and Noah that are clearly out of this world. Meet the artists from 6-8 p.m. at WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney District.

January 17-18: Meet ACME Archives artist Raymond Swanland who will be on hand for a special appearance and signing of his latest Star Wars-inspired pieces. Raymond will appear from 1–4 p.m., each day, at D Street in the Downtown Disney District.


January 17-18: Join us as we welcome The Little Red House from 1–4 p.m., each day, at WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney District.

January 24-25: Meet artist Drake Brodahl from 1–4 p.m., each day, at WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney District.

January 31 – Feb 1: Robinina will be on hand for a special appearance and signing from 1–4 p.m., each day, at WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney District.

Which events have made your list of things to do?


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