Mickey’s Shorts Holiday Ornament by Guest Blogger Sherry DeHart

unnamed My plain, solid red Christmas bulbs were starting to look worn, after using the same ones for at least 10 years. I didn’t want to throw them out, and I like to “re-purpose” things.  So I pulled out the bulbs, my tub of buttons, a black sharpie marker and the hot glue.

1. I used a piece of paper to draw a straight black line around the bulb, just above the center.

2. I colored in the top half with the black sharpie, (it worked better than regular markers).

3. Then I just hot glued 2 white buttons on the red part like Mickey’s pants.

Ta-da….brand new, re-purposed, Mickey inspired bulbs for my tree.

This year, I am going to attempt something similar but I will add a pink bow to the top of a white bulb. I will use a pink sharpie to draw polka dots for a Minnie inspired bulb.

About Me: My name is Sherry DeHart. I have been married for 16 years and have 3 children. We have been bringing our kids to Disney World every year since 2006 when our twins were just 10 months old. There is not much that goes on in our life that does not involve Disney in some way.


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