Captain Jack’s Bandana ~ Fun Craft Idea

September 27, 2014 ,


Captain Jack Sparrow’s Bandana ~ By Janel Adani

“Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirate’s life for me!” I fell in love with this Captain Jack inspired Bandana as soon as I saw it on Disney Family’s website! How adorable is this? I have been wanting my little boy(3) to dress up as Captain Jack for Halloween. He’s just now old enough that I think he would be super cute dressed up like him.
This craft would be great for Halloween or for just playing dress up around the house. My younger ones constantly role play around the house and my poor little guy usually gets stuck being a princess with his sister. Well now it’s his turn. We are going to play dress up with pirates! So let’s get started!

What You’ll Need

•2 red bandanas or pieces of fabric (about 22 inches square)
•Measuring tape
•Black yarn
•Assorted beads and shank-style buttons (with holes large enough for multiple strands of yarn to fit through)
•Safety pins

How To Make It

1. Fold one bandana into a headband and tie the ends together, as shown, so that the tails of the knot are at least 4 inches long if possible.
2. Gather the second bandana in the middle and drape it over the knot in the headband.
3. Tie the knot tails around the second bandana to hold it in place.
4. Cut nine 22-inch lengths of yarn, gather them into a bunch, and tie an overhand knot at the top. Divide the strands below the knot into three groups and braid them, randomly sliding on beads and buttons as you go. When the braid is the length you want, knot the bottom and trim the ends. Make two more braids.
5. For the finishing touch, thread several beads onto a 6-inch length of yarn. Tie a loop in the yarn above the beads and pin it to the inner headband, so that the beads drape down over the top, as pictured.

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