Thursdays Random Acts of Kindness: When Guests Pay It Forward

Here at The Main Street Mouse we encourage people to “practice random acts of kindness and spread magic” and every Thursday we share stories of cast members going the extra mile, guests who helped another guest and other amazing heartwarming stories that all usually end with many of us wiping out eyes as tears escape them. Today I have the privilege of sharing an amazing RAK that hasn’t happened yet.

rak1-300x231 Recently TMSM was contacted by a wonderful lady Robin Schumaker from Virginia Beach, VA. Robin had been in her local Disney store and “struck up a conversation with two of the cast members in the store (as I often do). I was telling them how excited I am for a special upcoming trip I am taking to Disney World with my husband and twelve-year old daughter from September 13-18th.”
That local Disney Store happens to be the one I call MY Disney Store. The amazing Cast Members in the Virginia Beach location are like Disney family to me, so I am honored they suggested Robin contact The Main Street Mouse with her AMAZING story. You see Robin is about to celebrate a milestone birthday on September 15th, and when Robin told me the following in her email I had tears to my eyes in my eyes for several reasons.  In several back and forth messages Robin told me the story of her hearth warming plan, that I want to share with you today.

“I will be having a milestone birthday (turning 50 on September 15, 2014). As hard as it is for me to admit, I have never had a birthday party. Although I invited my parents and siblings to accompany me on this upcoming trip to celebrate my 50th, they all declined the invitation (even though I was even going to pay for the trip). I was devastated for months, almost canceling the Disney trip completely. I have worked in the field of education for more than 25 years as an educator and advocate for children. After a great deal of reflection, I decided that this soon to be 50 year old child in me was going to have a birthday party (at the happiest place on earth), regardless of how many actual family members were with me.
Initially, I was sad about my parents, my brothers, my sister, and their families not being with me to celebrate my milestone birthday. I consider my 50th birthday a time to pause and celebrate something much bigger than just myself. I think more of it as a celebration of the person I have become, and what I have been able to accomplish as a result of positive influences, supportive people, and purposeful and random acts of kindness bestowed on me over the years. Family, friends, co-workers, and yes, sometimes complete strangers have played a critical role in my life. Because others invested and believed in me, I am able to pay it forward in a leadership role as an educator and advocate for children. Often it is the little things that provide a “magical moment” for children. You can’t underestimate how much a genuine smile, a kind word of encouragement, and sincere appreciation of the creative, imaginative intellect of children (young and old) really means. I think this embodies the s pirt of Disney which is one of the many reasons I love it so much.

10614813_852036441475621_1970271922_o I decided to make my birthday less about me, and more about what I could do to brighten someone’s day (unexpectedly) for several reasons. I have been gathering a collection of Disney merchandise (smallish items, shirts, gift cards, etc. over the last year). The 50 small Disney gifts I am planning to give to others on my birthday is just a small way for me to brighten someone’s day unexpectedly (like the cast members do). My daughter and I are planning take the items in my Disney backpack and randomly give away those 50 small Disney “birthday” gifts to folks at Hollywood Studios on September 15th to celebrate my birthday. This will make me so happy and my daughter thought this was also a nice way to have the party I always wanted
I want this milestone birthday to be a celebration of something bigger than myself and I know this will give me great joy to celebrate it this way. There’s no better place for me to celebrate. After all, it is the “happiest place on earth”.”

Main Streeters Robin, her husband Scott, and daughter Sidney will be at Walt Disney from 9/13-18. On September 15th, her birthday, and she plans to be at Disney’s Hollywood Studios where she will spend her birthday brightening the days of others with fifty magical moments. In honor of Robin’s amazing story of generosity, selflessness and Disney magic I would like to ask EACH of you that reads this to take a moment on September 15th and do something nice for someone you have never met. And if you have the have the privilege of meeting Robin in the parks next week please take a moment to wish her “Happy Birthday!”  Also please look for a follow up to this article to see how Robin’s Birthday of Generosity event went.


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