TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ Change of Seasons!

September 3, 2014


It’s Wednesday already! Time for our weekly check in and update! My days seem to run together sometimes, so I have to actually sit and figure out what’s been going on or what I may have already told you all about. We’ve spoke of it, but lets talk further….. Halloween Decorations at Disney!

Last week, the Magic Kingdom woke up one morning to a total Halloween make over. We knew it was coming because of the merchandise in the stores, and the windows on Main Street were being done. I haven’t seen the awesome Fall decorations in three years, and I had forgotten how much I missed it all. Hints of orange sprinkle all throughout Main Street, Mickey Pumpkins are on all the light posts, carved pumpkins are above doorways and on top of buildings……. and it’s beautiful. Gosh, I’d love to have one of those Mickey Pumpkin wreaths for the front door of my house! I bet a lot of you would too! Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party kicked off as well, but we didn’t attend. Now that we’re locals, we have to pick and choose what events we can do and when. We can’t afford to go multiple times, so we’re going to choose our date wisely for the Halloween Party. Not to mention, I need time to get costumes together for the family. The kids really want to go, and we will, we just need to wait a little while. It’s not vacation anymore, real life has set in…. we have priorities and other things have to come first, but I can’t complain.


I’ve started to decorate a little for Fall around the house too. I put a little Fall “welcome” flag up front and a pumpkin sign on the door. It’s weird to decorate for the season when nothing looks different. No leaves changing color, no cooler temps at night…. it’s still full blown Summer here. I wasn’t even sure if people decorate for Fall down here like they do up north, but I put a few things out anyhow. I’ll do more as it gets closer to Halloween. I always love decorating the house this time of year, so I didn’t want to lose that tradition! One tradition I will miss….. Going to the Cider Mill with the kids, getting apples and cinnamon donuts, apple cider, pumpkins, etc. I love that. It’s been a Fall tradition of mine since I was a little girl. This is the first year that I will be missing. No sweater weather apple picking this year. I’ve even asked people here and there about Fall activities down here in Florida, and it’s nothing like what we do in Michigan. I know it’s all part of the adjustment period. I’ll miss those donuts though!

The kids have been in school two and a half weeks now. I’ve seen on my Facebook wall, photos of friends back home who have kids starting school today or yesterday. That’s our old routine too. We normally go back to school the week after Labor Day. Not this year. Speaking of Labor Day, our old routine was to go to a BBQ with my family, but again, not this year. To help with the homesickness, we went to Hollywood Studios and walked around a bit, went on a few rides and came home. It helps. Two weeks from now my parents will be in town visiting, and I can’t wait. I’m so looking forward to it. More about that later! Anyhow, that’s about all for this week. Thank you so much for reading and following along with me! Until next week… See ya real soon! ~M

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