Show Your Pets Disney Side Contest!!!

July 30, 2014 , ,

Do you have a pet that loves to show his or her Disney Side?  The Animal Planet station is producing a special Disney Side for their show America’s Cutest TV show.  The edition will be for their Howl-O-Ween Pet-acular later this year.


Disney Side Dogs

Whether you have dressed your dog as our favorite mouse, or turned your cat into Cheshire and sat the kitty on the table for some tea, your pet could make an appearance on the show later this year.

In order to share your pets Disney Side vide, go to Animal Planet’s entry page and add your clip.  Disney did put out a few tips for making your video:

  • Hold your camera or phone horizontally instead of vertically.
  • Film in the highest resolution possible and please don’t compress.
  • No music, radio or TV in the background.
  • Please include the pets face in the clip.

Make sure to tune in and watch America’s Cutest: The Disney Side Edition in October and see if your favorite furry friend made it on the show.


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