Disney Institute Reimagines Professional Development Courses Offered at Disney Parks

From  Geoffrey Pointon, Public Relations Manager, Disney Institute

Today’s business landscape is ever evolving due to new technologies and the ability to critique businesses in the palm of your hand. To be successful, professionals and organizations alike have to constantly adapt to stay relevant and ensure a positive customer experience. This begs the question, how do you stay ahead of your competition in today’s unique business environment?

Over the past two decades professionals have looked to Disney Institute, the external business and professional development arm of The Walt Disney Company, to help advance their business brilliance. Today, Disney Institute is proud to announce the new 2014-2015 business excellence curriculum – a series of accredited professional development courses.


We’ve reimagined our program to help professionals navigate the complexities of a dynamic business environment to address the shift in consumer expectations, and the evolution of social media. Our trained facilitators teach Disney best practices and methodologies to ensure participants are challenged to think differently, and motivated to take action. At the heart of the 2014-2015 curriculum are our core principles of leadership, culture, service, brand, and innovation.

Courses are offered at Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort where professionals receive behind-the-scenes access to learn the secrets of the Walt Disney Company’s customer service, and witness these principles of business excellence in action. The curriculum is offered throughout the year, and is available in one-or multi-day sessions.

In addition, Disney Institute works with both small companies and multi-national organizations to develop custom business solutions that help companies achieve their business goals. In these engagements, Disney Institute infuses the time-tested strategies, insights and business practices established by The Walt Disney Company into customized solutions to meet each client’s unique goals.

To see how Disney Institute can help with your professional business development, visit: DisneyInstituteCourses.com.

How will you take your professional business development to the next level with Disney Institute?


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