Star Wars Rebels is the upcoming animated series that is set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The premiere episode will air for 1 hour on the Disney channel in the fall of 2014. After the premiere the show will move to Disney XD.
The series will follow a motley group of rebels—the crew of the starship Ghost—and their struggles against the oppressive Galactic Empire. The Ghost’s crew consists of the Twi’lek pilot Hera Syndulla, the alien enforcer Zeb Orrelios, the Mandalorian Sabine Wren, the astromech droid Chopper, the former Jedi Kanan Jarrus, and the teenage con artist. A primary theme of Star Wars Rebels will be exploring the origins of the Rebel Alliance.
The general premise is described as follows:
“It is a dark time in the galaxy, as the evil Galactic Empire tightens its grip of power from world to world. As the series begins, Imperial forces have occupied a remote planet, ruling with an iron fist and ruining the lives of its people. But there are a select few who are brave enough to stand up against the endless Stormtroopers and TIE fighters of the Empire: the clever and motley crew of the starship Ghost. Together, this ragtag group will face threatening new villains, have thrilling adventures, and become heroes.”
Disney has released the full trailer for the series:
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