Quick Update on Downtown Disney Construction

March 23, 2014 ,


TMSM has many Disney Cast Member friends who send us updates on various happenings around Walt Disney World. We have a specific CM friend who sends us info on the Downtown Disney area, since that’s her specialty! She had contacted me to give our readers a heads up on the construction happening there, here’s a summary of the scoop!

Hey there. Just a quick update on the goings on down here @ DTD…Pollo Campero / Bodie’s All American & Babycakes have been closed and are in the process of being vacated for expansion of what’s to come next. There’s good progress on the first floor of the first parking garage and it looks like they’re starting on the 2nd floor at the end down by Splitsville.

There are so many changed going on at DTD, and we’ll do our best to keep people informed. Thank You Camille for once again letting us in on the progress!

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2 thoughts on “Quick Update on Downtown Disney Construction”
  1. Any idea how much will be complete by December? I was there last week and it was really tough to move around with all the construction. I think it’s great that the whole area is getting a well deserved upgrade. Can’t wait to see the final product

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