Disney to discontinue Mobile Magic Apps this month!

December 11, 2013


Do you remember how exciting it was when you first got Disney Mobile Magic for your phone? I do, I thought it was great! Having info at the touch of a button on your phone for park times and info was helpful and appreciated! Well, as of December 23, 2013, Disney Mobile Magic will no longer be in service. The App is already out of the smart phone “stores” but will stop working altogether in just under two weeks.

All is not lost! The current ‘My Disney Experience’ app will now become the primary mobile offering for Walt Disney World visitors, available for iOS, Android and Kindle devices. So, park visitors will still have a system to use, just not the older version, time to update to My Disney Experience! This all coincides with the new FastPass Plus and MagicBand technology that’s currently being implemented at the Walt Disney World Resort.

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